Meet Norman: he’s educating others on the power of education

Season of Promise is a special time of year for us here at PoP, not just because of the incredible impact that we’re able to make for students across the globe, but also because of the awesome people who join our PoP family by becoming campaigners. Norman is one of those amazing fundraisers; in addition to raising funds, he’s raising awareness about the importance of providing all children with access to education.

Norman is a man of many talents. He’s an actor who also writes, develops and produces content for film and television. On top of all that, he takes time to be a media activist and speaks at various schools about media literacy. As a child, he’d always had the dream of one day building a school, because education was a true passion of his. Through a friend, he heard about the literacy and school building efforts of PoP and immediately became inspired to start a campaign.

So far, Norman has focused his campaigning efforts on sharing the mission of Pencils of Promise. He’s found that people are very open to starting dialogues with him about why education is necessary for children everywhere. Having these conversations is important to Norman because he wants to encourage others to understand the impact of a quality learning environment.

To Norman, “education is liberation…when kids learn, they can grow and that growth will enable them, with a boundless freedom, to do anything they set their minds to.”

We completely agree with Norman that the possibilities sparked from quality learning are endless. Norman’s goal is to fund one full school build in Ghana, but he’s hoping to double his impact and fund two! With Norman’s principal motto in mind, “anything is possible”.


Our PoP family is always growing. We’d love for you to join us.

Visit Norman’s campaign page here.